Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

What does the daily life of a neuroscience undergrad researcher look like at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory?

I usually went for a run or to the gym (which is free on the campus) around 7/7:30, then went to breakfast with other URPs (undergraduate researchers) around 8 (meals were also free). I got to the lab around 9 and started my experiments, which required that I clean and boot up rigs connected to b...
Day in the Life Non-profit Research Neuroscience Undergraduate Researcher Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
1 answer

How prepared would a biology major be going into a neuroscience undergrad researcher role at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory?

My work in a lab at Williams absolutely prepared me for work at CSHL. Also, the work ethic you learn at Williams, as well as the focus on reading and interpreting scientific literature, is fundamental to success there. Overall, I felt very prepared by Williams for systems neuroscience work at CSH...
Non-profit Research College Major Neuroscience Biology Undergraduate Researcher Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
1 answer