Forvis Mazars

Student Associate Healthcare Consultant

January - March 2023 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

The culture is amazing. Very professional, I joined during the merger and got to see a lot of the groundwork that went into improving the company. I got to train with other regional managers in the healthcare field during my time here as well. In healthcare specifically, there is a lot to know and this company is very understanding of the learning curve. I loved the values the company was built on. It aligned with my own values. Overall, everyone I talked to while here was nice, pleasant, knowledgeable, and professional. Being around people like that really makes you understand why it's a top-10 firm. Being around amazing people, makes you realize the knowledge you are expected to bring and where you can improve.

What I wish was different

As mentioned I joined during the merger as a healthcare consultant working part-time, taking 18 credit hours at school. During my time here, I worked on a lot of different projects. The director in charge of training me was extremely busy due to the merger. Most days I had to find co-workers to ask for work they needed help with that day. The structure I found made it increasingly stressful to understand the workflow. When working on one part of a DSH project, a workbook in bad debt, and then assisting with some auditing work all within a short time span with little to no prior communications on the tasks or responsibilities. I would've liked to have a plan and communication from my supervisor going into these tasks. Given the nature of the industry, when starting out you need time to ask questions to management and be given the time to learn. The structure of my internship was not well organized. My take is that during my time (after the merger) they had some growing pains with managing the new workload with the same personnel. Despite ending my internship early due to organizational issues and poor communication. I will always recommend interning with FORVIS. My timing was unfortunate but, I only wish I could've spent more time working here and learning from these great people. It was truly an honor to have the opportunity. I'm sure anyone who has worked here understands that honor.


My advice is to be flexible. They are investing a lot into you and they want you to grow as much as you want to grow with them. Follow their guidance, stay motivated, learn as much as you can and more, be friendly to everyone as they are friendly to you, and above all don't be afraid to make connections. At the same time understand professionalism. There are expectations for professionalism, work ethic, and morality. The bar is set high so, aim higher.
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Tax Intern

May 2022 • Colorado Springs, CO

What I liked

I work with the Non-profit Tax Team and one of my most favorite thing as an intern was the opportunity to interact with clients.

What I wish was different


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Auditing Intern

May - July 2022 • Oklahoma City, OK

What I liked

I gained so much real world experience interacting with clients and coworkers. I was treated like a full time employee. Expectations were high which fostered so much growth. I was trusted to interact with clients to perform audit tasks. Feedback was a huge part of the internship program and was given in a positive way!

What I wish was different

I wish I been given an earlier warning before traveling out of town.


Be curious and ready to explore. Ask lots of questions!
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Tax Intern

May - August 2022 • Oklahoma City, OK

What I liked

great place to work

What I wish was different



great experience learned a lot and the team member are easy to work with
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Audit Intern

June - August 2017 • Charlotte, NC

What I liked

I was given a lot of responsibility, but there was always guidance and help offered. I got to see so many things that I've learned in class applied to real life.

What I wish was different


Get to know as many professionals as you can. They have incredible insights and advice to offer.
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Healthcare Consulting Intern

May 2019 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

The experience was fantastic. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. They were all very excited to add me to their team and did everything they could to help me learn.

What I wish was different

I really don't have a bad thing to say about DHG. Although I was located in Atlanta, the team I was assigned to was located in different offices in North Carolina. At first, I was worried this would make things harder, but it really didn't impact my productivity at all. We communicated by Skype and they were always available when I needed them. It just would have been nice to have them in the same office to get to know them!


Do it. This is such an amazing company with such amazing leaders. Whether you are going into the accounting field, healthcare, or any other field DHG is a great place to work. The benefits the company offers to its employees is almost unheard of, and you won't find another company environment like this one.
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Risk Advisory Intern

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I loved the people and the culture of the office.

What I wish was different


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Audit Summer Intern

July 2020 • Norfolk, VA

What I liked

Working with DHG this past summer was simply excellent! With DHG, you enjoy the reputation and client work on par with a larger accounting firm, with the tight-knit community feel of a smaller firm. While many firms only offer interns extended orientations and fun events, DHG actually allowed interns to engage in audit work and gain meaningful experience in the field. Rest assured, there were plenty of fun opportunities as well. Mostly, I cannot say enough for the people I worked with. From associates to partners, everyone at DHG routinely demonstrated genuine care for my interests, education, and well-being as well as one another's.

What I wish was different

My only wish is that my internship could have been in person, but the virtual nature was due not so much to DHG but the current COVID-19 environment. While it would have been nice to work with everyone in the office, I was pleased that while some firms chose to cancel their internships, DHG remained committed to their offers and found a safe alternative. And even in a virtual setting, I am confident the internship was the best it could be!


I would highly recommend DHG to anyone interested in public accounting. And if given the opportunity to intern, be prepared to ask questions, connect with anyone you can, and most importantly, take the opportunity to learn.
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Tax Intern

January - May 2021 • Snowflake, AZ

What I liked

It was easy and straightforward

What I wish was different

More organized


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Product Intern

December 2021 • Springfield, MO

What I liked

I really enjoy the environment of BKD and specifically the innovation department. The internship pushes you in a healthy way to perform at high level. I was never treated as an intern, but rather just another member bringing value to the team. They have a culture of perpetual learning and growth.

What I wish was different


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Audit Intern

May - July 2021 • Denver, CO

What I liked

Working with BKD this past summer was an amazing experience. I learned so much about auditing and what accounting looks like in "real life". We started the first week with watching training videos which taught us how to audit cash, accounts payable and employee benefit programs. After training we dove right in to a variety of assignments. Interns worked with different clients and colleagues each week which gave us the opportunity to learn multiple aspects of the audit. Our group of summer interns became very close and we often spent time together outside of work. Fellow BKDers invited the interns to join in their weekly volleyball league. Everyone at BKD was very supportive and provided ample explanation and assistance throughout my internship. Not only did they provide guidance at work, they also took time to get to know us outside of the office. We were all treated very well at our internship and worked very reasonable hours. BKD also hosted an "Intern week" in which we competed in a case competition, volunteered at food bank of the rockies together, and enjoyed attending a Rockies game with the rest of the office.

What I wish was different

I have no changes that I would have made to my internship! We worked fair hours, earned good money, and had the option of going in person to the office or working remotely. I chose to go into the office as frequently as possible so I could make more connections.


Two pieces of advice: 1. go to the office as much as possible so you can meet your coworkers (you often get invited to participate in more when you show your interest) 2. communicate with other interns about living situations/commuting (maybe share an airbnb with a fellow intern or schedule transportation together)
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Audit Intern

July - August 2020 • Indianapolis, IN

What I liked

Good experience. Great people. Really helped me develop my professional understanding of accounting and audit.

What I wish was different

I wish the experience was longer, COVID affected the duration.


Meet as many people as you can within the company.
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Auditing Intern

June - December 2019 • Indianapolis, IN

What I liked

I loved the inclusiveness you felt there. They also treated you like a first year staff instead of an intern while teaching you and coaching you throught the difficult things you didn't understand.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more opportunities to meet partners of the firm.


Go in with an open mind and do not be afraid to ask questions. The people you work with are excited to have you on their team and are more than happy to explain why you are working on that certain workpaper.
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Accounting Intern

May - August 2019 • Erie, PA

What I liked

the experience gained from the internship, as well as the atmosphere

What I wish was different



Always be welcome to new kinds of work and projects.
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Audit Intern

January - April 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I really enjoyed the real, hands-on experience I received through this internship. Throughout my internship I slowly began to have more responsibilities within the teams I was working with. Early on in the internship I sat in meetings with clients but did not talk a lot. Throughout the internship I began to speak in these meetings and eventually began to speak to the clients on my own.

What I wish was different

Honestly, I do not wish anything was different. I felt like I received a great experience that shows me what it will actually be like to be a full-time staff.


Definitely ask a lot of questions. They do not expect you to come in and do everything perfectly. There is definitely a learning curve and asking questions will help make the internship a great experience.
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Consultant Int

May 2019 • Springfield, MO

What I liked

This was my first job in my chosen carrier field of accounting. I learned a lot about the public accounting world and am planning on staying in public for a while. I really liked the flexibility BKD allowed me as I continued to work through the next school semester.

What I wish was different

Since I was a junior intern, there was not as much to work on, which meant I wasnt able to work the number of hours I would have like to during the summer.


Be ready to not know anything. Every task you will be given you will probably know nothing about, or very little. Try your hardest to figure it out, and then ask questions. You are not expected to know how to do everything, but you are expected to learn by asking those above you. Work hard and keep communication with all open. Also, the more you know about Excel, the better.
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Audit Intern

September 2019 • Dallas, TX

What I liked

I love that at BKD gives you the opportunity to learn quickly and be involved directly with audits quickly.

What I wish was different


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Audit Intern

June - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

How organized and established the company was

What I wish was different

I wish I would have traveled less


Really eye opening to see how account works in the real world opposed to just in the classroom.
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Auditing Intern

June - August 2019 • Fort Wayne, IN

What I liked

I gained a much greater understanding of Auditing as a whole by doing real work and interacting with different types of clients. The work atmosphere was welcoming, and my coworkers were helpful.

What I wish was different


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Project estimator

June - September 2018 • Merrillville, IN

What I liked

Everyone thier is very helpful and they treat you like an asset from the beginning.

What I wish was different

No complaints


Make sure to understand what type of estimating you are doing. Cost segregation studies are a bit different from regular estimations.
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