National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Aeronautical Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Huntsville, AL

What I liked

The people are awesome and always willing to help

What I wish was different

I wish that I had a car while I was there. The distance between everything was pretty far.


One of the best things that I have ever gotten to do.
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Educational Specialist

June 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

This opportunity is still ongoing. I’ve had an amazing experience.

What I wish was different


Never stop learning. Always try to meet new people.
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Student Trainee (Engineering)

August - November 2019 • Greenbelt, MD

What I liked

I felt that I was given important tasks and the opportunity to learn as much as I wanted to

What I wish was different

There were typical software issues found within government organizations. Software tools may be somewhat outdated


If you have the opportunity to intern at NASA, take it
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Electrical Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Huntsville, AL

What I liked

From day one I was treated with respect and not summoned to do mundane tasks. I was there to learn and the people in my organization helped me along the way.

What I wish was different

The system in place for the interns on Marshall Spaceflight Center is excellent, I see no need for change.


Learn things you are not necessarily comfortable with, for example if you are a EE like myself don't be afraid to ask questions about propulsion, science, software etc... . The things and ideas you are exposed to will accumulate over time making you very diverse and well rounded.
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Technical Editor

September - December 2019 • Redstone Arsenal, AL

What I liked

The work was precisely in my field, and I got to read documents written by people from a dozen major countries.

What I wish was different

Though I understand why (security reasons), this job could have been done from home, rather than in a cubicle, where distractions run rampant.


It's like Shia LaBeouf said: "Just do it!"
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Computer Engineer

June - August 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

Seeing all the projects happening at NASA.

What I wish was different

More time to focus on my project.


Always plan software before you start developing.
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Aerospace Intern

June - August 2019 • Edwards, CA

What I liked

All of the people were very friendly and helpful!

What I wish was different

There was a lot of time wasted waiting on other parties. It’s not really their fault, but better coordination could have helped to make the internship run smoother.


Always be ready to teach yourself how to do something! Asking people can help speed up the process, but sometimes you’ll have to take initiative and look things up online, in a textbook etc.
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Mission Proposals Intern

June - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

The environment was great. I was surrounded by many optimistic people working towards goals that shape our future

What I wish was different

Couldn’t have asked for more


always take advice from everyone you meet. It goes a long way
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Mechanical Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

Hands on experience with real engineers and officials

What I wish was different

Longer than a 10 week program


Don’t be afraid to ask questions
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Hardware Design Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Huntsville, AL

What I liked

The environment was collaborative and patient, perfect for learning.

What I wish was different

The pace of government work moves very slowly, so I wish it moved faster.


Being technically competent is not enough. It's very important to have the people skills needed to leave a great impression.
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Engineering Pathways Intern

January 2018 - August 2019 • Redstone Arsenal, AL

What I liked

You get to see a lot of hardware and testing that is not available to the public.

What I wish was different

The groups varied a lot. Some places were great at involving the interns and giving them meaningful work while other groups gave very little work. 2 out of the 3 groups I rotated in to gave me plenty of meaningful work to do while the third group gave me extremely little.


Always try going to groups that may not be something that you know a lot about, the group I enjoyed the most and enjoyed working in the most was one I knew nothing about. Every group has it's pros and cons, rotate to different groups as much as you can.
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Aeronautical Engineering Intern

January - May 2019 • Huntsville, AL

What I liked

Was extremely fulfilling and worked with cool people.

What I wish was different



Don't be scared to apply to NASA! As long as you can convey that you are passionate and willing to learn, you have a real shot!
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Safety Engineering Intern

January - August 2017 • Houston, TX

What I liked

Fun experience great networking opportunity. Learned a lot about space.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to meet people and see all the cool times. I wish I would have been able to manage the time spent there better.


Always be friendly and meet people and ask questions.
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August 2019 • Houston, TX

What I liked

The environment the team the challenges...meeting astronauts and other space geeks. My project was cool and I got to drive past the NASA sign to go to work everyday.

What I wish was different

Nothing really. Things move slowly in the government but I was able to get what I needed by being flexible and proactive.


Be proactive and energetic. Don't wait to be told what to do. Obviously respect the proper pathways but take the initiative and don't wait for permission to start things.
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Autonomous Robotics Intern

June - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

We were treated like adults, given a task that needed completion as well as a project for the summer and we managed our time ourselves. We were also given the opportunity to tour around NASA Ames research center and got to see the different projects going on as well as unique facilities such as the largest wind tunnel on earth.

What I wish was different

Nothing. It went great.


Reach out and meet as many people as possible, having connections is far more valuable than any one thing you will learn.
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Additive Manufacturing Research Engineer Intern

June - August 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

Wonderful experience, learned A LOT about material science and made amazing connections with other renown scientists and engineers.

What I wish was different

Sometimes I wished the work was more diverse, I spent most of my time in a single lab doing a single task at a time. I wish I could have branched out and worked on other suitable projects but since they weren't my main focus for the summer, I didn't have many chances to help.


It was 100% worth it and learned that maybe research for a large company/government isn't my thing and that's good to know. Other advice: make friends with the janitor.
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Engineering Intern

August 2019 • Las Cruces, NM

What I liked

Surrounded by friendly, experienced, helpful, intelligent, hard working individuals. The site provided lots of opportunities to learn from a variety of scientific disciplines.

What I wish was different


Ask a ton of questions, share your passions and driving forces. By doing those things I was put in touch with people from different NASA centers working on things that interest me. Volunteer your services and ask to take part in activities.
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Summer intern

May - August 2017 • Greenbelt, MD

What I liked

Many great on-campus opportunities for interns to participate and learn about programs in different departments of interest

What I wish was different

More interactive working environment instead of the interns being thrown into a storage closet.


Dont hesitate to apply to an internship at NASA regardless of your areas of interest. They have opportunities in almost every field and welcome excited candidates.
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NASA research intnern

June - September 2018 • Palmdale, CA

What I liked

What I wish was different


Make the most every single opportunity presented and network as much as possible
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Safety Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Merritt Island, FL

What I liked

I got to learn more about the history of Florida and NASA

What I wish was different


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