National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)


May - August 2019 • Washington, DC

What I liked

Being at Headquarters was really interesting because every project NASA is involved with has a representative at HQ. I was able to learn about a wide array of projects just by visiting employees at their desk. Everyone loved being there and shared their work with me enthusiastically. In terms of my work, I was given a lot of responsibility from the start, which made for a very rewarding internship despite only being 10 weeks long.

What I wish was different


I would say that making an effort to network is a really good idea. I wish I had started talking to employees outside my team earlier. I was able to develop long-term mentorship relationships with my direct employers as well as others at HQ.
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Atmospheric Research Intern

May 2018 • Hampton, VA

What I liked

The people and the field work. The opportunity to work with and learn from the best in the field.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been closer to home.


Don't go into a position with NASA always expecting to be a formal setting. Come prepared to learn and be pushed out of your comfort zone.
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Pathways Engineering Intern

May - July 2019 • Cleveland, OH

What I liked

I love working in a team environment and an innovative atmosphere. I spent my summer working with the human landing system team focusing on cryogenic propellant management. I loved applying classes I’ve have taken in school to my work, for example heat transfer and thermodynamics.

What I wish was different

I wish I had begun looking for housing earlier because the housing NASA had suggested filled up very quickly and was not pet friendly.


The best piece of advice I have is to apply for every job that you really want. I did not believe I would get this amazing opportunity, but I applied anyways because it sounded so interesting. I learned so much this summer and gained valuable experience because I decided to take a chance and apply.
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Student Research Intern

June - August 2019 • Hampton, VA

What I liked

The opportunity to work for an amazing organization. The research was very meaningful and went toward important projects such as the Mars mission in 2023.

What I wish was different

I wish that there were more researchers on my team.


My advice would be to always be open to new opportunities, regardless of past experiences or immediate interests.
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Engineering intern

May - August 2019 • Houston, TX

What I liked

Great leadership, mentoring, work schedule, and pay

What I wish was different


If you have a mentor, learn as much as you can from them
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June - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked


What I wish was different


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June - August 2019 • Washington, DC

What I liked

It was a great experience working within the Strateic Investment Division for the OCFO. Great mentors and working environment!

What I wish was different


Embrace the opportunity!
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Pathways Intern (Materials Science Branch)

May - August 2019 • Cape Canaveral, FL

What I liked

The entire experience was phenomenal! The work I was given was meaningful and helped to support the various projects ongoing at the Kennedy Space Center by NASA Personnel and contractors. My coworkers were all very nice people who were very willing to provide help when needed, show me around their labs, or give me a project when I had down time. While my work did not have me working with any other interns or co-ops, as there are so many places engineers can go to work at KSC, there were still plenty of opportunities for me to socialize with fellow interns and network during the summer.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have stayed longer, but as this is a co-op position I will be returning Summer 2020 to continue work!


Definitely make an effort to network and get to know people. During an internship or co-op, this can lead to your involvement in projects you otherwise would not have known about, which will provide substance to your resume, making you more valuable not only to the company or organization you work for, but any other potential employers. Also try to get involved, be it with employee organizations or public outreach events as these also help with networking. Finally, try to make it to at least one launch on center! It's an entirely different experience when you can actually see the rocket leave the pad.
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June - August 2019 • Hampton, VA

What I liked

Fun and collaborative environment. Everyone was so passionate about what they were working on that it was exciting to discuss it with them. A lot of responsibility given for your project.

What I wish was different


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Embedded Systems Software Developer

May - August 2019 • Wallops Island, VA

What I liked

Everything! The work and atmosphere was awesome.

What I wish was different

Not a thing.


Don't expect to go on coffee runs all day.
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Aeronautical Engineering Intern

May 2018 • Cape Canaveral, FL

What I liked

Work experience, materials, location

What I wish was different

Work load and responsibilities


If you like 9-5, this is your job. Not very challenging
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May - July 2019 • Hampton, VA

What I liked

I worked in a branch that had people working on all kinds of different projects - the Mars 2020 mission, Crew Dragon, conceptual missions to the outer planets, technology demonstration missions - and I got to see many of them give presentations or talk about posters they would be presenting at a yearly conference. I also liked the people I worked with, especially my mentors; the work I was doing (programming), and all the tours of other parts of the center.

What I wish was different

We were supposed to submit documents (powerpoints or reports) about what we did during the internship 2 weeks before the last day of our 10 week internships. That means most people either submitted their documents late or left off 20% of the work they actually did. I wish they'd made that deadline a little bit closer to the end.


Choose wisely whether you want to live with a full-time employee or rent an apartment for the summer. Living with a full time employee is cheaper, but you give up some of your freedom.
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Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Titusville, FL

What I liked

The projects are so cool and fun to work on and being at the space center is amazing.

What I wish was different

I could get a full time job from it.


Always put yourself into the work and do your best.
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Research Assistant

June - August 2019 • Mountain View, CA

What I liked

My team and I got to develop a product from the ground up. Unlike most internships we were not given busy work or someone’s half finished project. We’re we’re given full control over the design process and made the project our own.

What I wish was different

I would have liked more opportunities to touch base with my mentor to discuss the progress of my project. She made herself available for questions, but there was no formal design review in the middle of the internship to evaluate the project’s progress.


During this program you’ll only get out of it what you put in. It’s not like school, you don’t get fully developed assignments. If you want it to be easy you can slack off all you want, but if you really want the job experience you have to ask questions and tell them you want more challenging work.
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May - July 2019 • Hampton, VA

What I liked

I loved working in an environment with so many interesting projects happening. There were so many people to meet that all did such interesting work. I enjoyed using world-class equipment to work on a project. The people that worked there were all very kind and happy to teach me and work with me.

What I wish was different

I wish that the cost of getting out there and living wasn't so much. I ended up netting zero dollars over the whole internship.


Take the chance to get outside of your own project and learn about what everyone else is doing.
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Software Engineer

June - August 2019 • Houston, TX

What I liked

Great community and meaningful work

What I wish was different

More compensation and better working environment


Reach out to anybody/get involved
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June - August 2019 • Hampton, VA

What I liked

I loved getting to learn from adults who have so many years of experience. I got to learn how to work with other people and I had the opportunity to attend many academic seminars which enhanced my knowledge on a wide variety of things.

What I wish was different

I wish I had made more friends during my internship to make my experience more enjoyable.


You need to apply early. Employees can begin to pick interns as early as they want. I loved this internship it gave me such a different experience and I got to learn a lot about outer space travel.
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Rocket Propulsion Test Design and Analysis

June - August 2019 • Kiln, MS

What I liked

It was an overall incredible experience. I had the opportunity to make a heat radiation analysis tool that would be used by other engineers at the NASA center, which to me is the coolest part.

What I wish was different


If you’re on the fence about applying to NASA, I would encourage you to apply anyway!
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HR Intern

February - August 2019 • Houston, TX

What I liked

I loved how involved I was able to get in the everyday work of an HR business partner at the Johnson Space Center. From day one, I was treat like an employee and given responsibilities with customers. The guidance of my mentors helped me as I navigated working full time in such a demanding environment.

What I wish was different

Nothing! It was a great experience!


Get involved with the intern community at which ever center you work at. You’ll make some great friends and it will enhance your experience.
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January 2018 • Houston, TX

What I liked

Friendly work environment with challenging work!

What I wish was different

A more structured outreach program.


Apply to as many internships as you can! You never know who might accept you.
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