
Environmental Engineering Intern

May - August 2024 • Blytheville, AR

What I liked

During my time at Nucor-Yamato, I assisted the environmental department with a variety of tasks. I spent time shadowing and helping the environmental techs with their duties regarding the baghouse and water systems. I was involved with several mill improvement projects and worked with contractors to acquire bids and eventually see the job through. I learned about and assisted with some of the record keeping and audit work within the environmental department. The thing I enjoyed most about my time at Yamato was the variety of work. My internship was not confined to a single task. I had the freedom to go and talk to anybody and any department and learn what I wanted to. Doing so, I was able to assist and see more of the mill then I would've been able to with a traditional intern project. The best thing about Nucor as a whole however is the people. Everyone is kind and happy to assist with anything. The quality of culture is really great to see.

What I wish was different

The open-ended aspect of the internship also had its downsides. While I was free to explore aspects of the mill and learn at my own pace, not much stock was put into setting me up for success on the front end. I had to find a lot of mt own work and ways to be impactful. While this is a good life skill and I'm thankful for the experience, I think I could've been a better asset to the team and made more meaningful contributions if they had a plan for me or some specific work they needed me to tackle. However, I came in at a tumultuous time for the environmental team at Yamato. A lot of their leadership was relatively new and still learning the ropes. So, it was understandable, and I don't think my experience was indicative of Nucor, or even Nucor-Yamato as a whole.


I would say that to work at Nucor and succeed, you need to be open to whatever is thrown at you. Say yes to every experience and developmental opportunity. In addition to that, people skills are highly valued in this company. Practice talking to everyone you meet and work on your public speaking skills. There will be ample opportunities if you're open to it, make the most of them.
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Accounting Intern

May - August 2023 • Birmingham, AL

What I liked

Focused on developing talent within the company and rewarding those who excelled. Tons of locations to move around in and different divisions, so you learn something new every place you go.

What I wish was different


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Sales Engineer Intern

May - August 2023 • Fairborn, OH

What I liked

Working at Nucor was an amazing experience and has taught me a lot! I loved being a part of the team and working with teammates that cared and respected me. Everyone in the office is super friendly and here to help you become successful. Day-to-day work life was not stressful, and we went on many paid trips and lunches! On these trips we toured various steel mills and learned more about the steel making process. We worked on a couple different projects throughout the internship estimating the total cost of the steel package for new buildings being built.

What I wish was different

Honestly nothing. The internship was set up very well and I learned a lot about the manufacturing side of steel. The internship was 13 weeks long and half of the time we were traveling to various mills and other divisions. I really enjoyed this but could see this being a con later on in one's career if they have a family. Overall, I do not wish this internship was different in any way!


This job is a great fit if you are an outgoing engineer and like talking to and meeting new people. In this role you will meet and network with hundreds of coworkers from different divisions and meet lots of customers. I recommend being social and coming to work every day ready to meet new people and learn. I definitely recommend this job if you are extraverted!
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

May - August 2020 • Woodbridge, VA

What I liked

It was fun

What I wish was different

Had longer time abs got paid


Work hard and believe in yourself
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Metallurgical Engineering Intern

May - December 2021 • Blytheville, AR

What I liked

The number of people who are willing to help and give advice is astronomical. The people are absolutely amazing to be around.

What I wish was different

I wish that the beginning of the internship was better planned out, as I was forced to wait a month for safety training; thus, I was only able to learn ASTM standards and observe for the first month without touching anything.


I would recommend having a very outgoing personality and willingness to push investigation on one's own.
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Mental Health Worker

May - July 2021 • Brookline, MA

What I liked

I liked interacting with the patients and with my coworkers, who were, for the most part, very supportive.

What I wish was different

I wish the administration had been better at supporting its workers who got harrassed daily by the patients.


You need to be extremely strong in order to enter this field. It is a lot of work for little pay, and you are expected to be understanding of the patients, who could verbally harrass you, sexually assault you, or even physically assault you.
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Inside Sales Engineer

May - July 2021 • Swansea, SC

What I liked

The environment of the workspace is unbeatable. Everyone is amazing and loves what they do. Seeing the drive for safety in the plant, was amazing.

What I wish was different

I loved every aspect I would say to change anything. A couple of my dislikes were just because of COVID so not a reason to blame the corporation.


Give it 100%, don’t go into work thinking it’s another job. You get out of it what you put in and it is an amazing company.
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Account Executive (Healthcare)

May - July 2019 • Sanibel, FL

What I liked


What I wish was different



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AutoCAD drafter

June - September 2017 • Logan, UT

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to learn more about AutoCAD and the interface, product design from engineering drawings and 3D modelling.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have stayed longer it was a temporary position.


Always network, whenever you acquire a new job do not let it go to waste, network with people you never know when you'll find that one that can get you into a real good line of work or know people.
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Social Media Intern

May - August 2020 • Brigham City, UT

What I liked

It was an amazing experience! Everyone was so friendly.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more hands on experience.


Go for it!
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Environmental intern

June 2018 • Plymouth, UT

What I liked

I received hands on experience and was trusted and allowed to come up with solutions to problems.

What I wish was different

I would have liked a more definitive schedule


Every experience is valuable. Be willing to go try something and you may find out you could do more than you thought you could. If you don't know how to do something, ask someone with more experience to point you in the right direction but do as much as you can on your own
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Metallurgucal Quality Intern

June 2019 • Tuscaloosa, AL

What I liked

Loved the safety focused culture of Nucor. I also enjoyed the freedom that I had as an intern, I am free to pursue my own projects during downtimes and even led investigations in quality claims when they arose. As well as the breadth of my experience plant-wide involving metallurgical and non-metallurgical projects.

What I wish was different

Although the freedom to work on what you wanted to was nice, it became difficult to find additional tasks when projects and investigations finished. During times when work slowed down, I found that I spent a lot of my time researching secondary steel processes, which is interesting and good for my personal development. But I felt that this could have been accomplished outside of my internship.


As with most things, you get out of it what you put in.
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May - August 2019 • Saint Joe, IN

What I liked

Payed well and friendly coworkers

What I wish was different



Efficiency is key
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Design Engineering

May - July 2019 • Modesto, CA

What I liked

The other Design Engineers and Detailers I worked with were fantastic, I really enjoyed learning from them about how steel building design works in industry. I also enjoyed being able to set my own schedule, so long as I worked the minimum amount of hours in a week. One of my favorite things was visiting a job site. It was neat to see all of the steel building design I had been doing during the summer coming to life. The company is also extremely team-oriented, and I really liked a couple of the trainings I had where I got to learn more about the company and meet my co-workers. I felt like I was good friends with most of my co-workers by the end of the summer.

What I wish was different

The location was not ideal; I lived in company-provided housing, which was not well furnished and in a neighborhood that was not extremely safe. I actually had my car stolen during the last week of my internship, so that was a real disappointment. I wish that the company would have provided better housing, and taken better care of me as an intern outside of the office. The company also originally promised me a scholarship upon completion of the internship, but rescinded it because of other financial aid that I had. It would have been nice to know upfront more about how I could be eligible for the scholarship, so I wouldn't have counted on it at the end. Finally, my supervisor was easily angered and frequently yelled at my colleagues, using harsh expletives. I was not appreciative of the language or the tone he used with others, because I feel that they did not represent his professional role with the company.


Know what you're getting into before you commit to an internship. If possible, meet the people you will be working with in person, and don't be afraid to ask lower-level employees how management acts and how they treat others. Also, even though it sounds like I had a really terrible experience, I learned quite a bit about design engineering. Keep in mind that the purpose of your internship is to learn and better prepare you to know what you are looking for in a future job.
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Computer Systems Software Engineer

May - August 2018 • Norfolk, NE

What I liked

They helped me a lot when I didn’t know what to do, and they didn’t expect you to just know everything. I also got to learn how to operate and use a 3D-printer and a laser engraver.

What I wish was different

I was pretty much the first software intern they had in a very long time. Therefore, my mentors had some trouble really integrating me into the coding portion of things. I worked with everything else- testing, backlogs, documentation, meetings, etc.


The company uses a program called Tekla, which can be hard to use if you aren’t an architect. One of the best ways to learn Tekla is just to experience it.
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Safety Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Norfolk, NE

What I liked

They were extremely welcoming. The internship itself was fairly self guided and project based. Nucor provided a multitude of opportunities for personal and professional growth throughout my internship.

What I wish was different

There wasn't much direction. It was trial by fire, but you learn quickly.


Don't be afraid to mess up, that's the point of the internship. If you mess up it means you were actually trying to get something done.
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Drafting intern

May - August 2018 • Plymouth, UT

What I liked

The hands on experience

What I wish was different

Clearer expectations from supervisors


Hands on internships are vital to understanding and applying knowledge gained in school
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Mechanical Engineering Project Management Intern

May - August 2017 • Crawfordsville, IN

What I liked

I had a good amount of responsibility and a lot of autonomy at work. The people were mostly friendly and helpful. It was cool to explore a new area of the country a bit.

What I wish was different

I would have wanted to do a little more mechanical engineering and a little less project management. There were times where I could not do much on my project since I was waiting to hear back from people.


Listen closely and go out of your way to help others and build relationships. Be patient and willing to humble yourself and ask questions.
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