Precision Castparts Corp.

About Precision Castparts Corp.

At Precision Castparts (PCC), we make extraordinary products for aerospace and other industries. We are committed to fostering a culture of inclusiveness, empowerment and respect that embraces the differences in who we are.

PCC employs more than 20,000 people worldwide in over 120 plants spread across twenty-six states in the US and over a dozen countries.


Mechanical Engineering Intern

June 2019 - September 2019 Rockaway, NJ
“Precision Castparts Corporation is a large scale manufacturing company focused on high technology forgings, materials testing, and CAD/CAM modeling designing for aerospace companies worldwide for companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, GE Aviation, Rolls Royce, and others. The company culture allowed me to become more versatile and expand my skillset. I was able to schedule my week in different departments, from the CAD office to destruction testing laboratories, in order to gain further insight on not only the work behind these important positions, but how the company functions as a unit. ”

Engineering Co-op

July 2021 Paramount, CA
“The working environment is great! Everyone is very friendly, and they make sure that everything is going smoothly. When there is an issue, they do a meeting so that they can identify the issue and fix it as soon as they can.”
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Questions & Answers

What's something I need to know going into an interview for a materials engineer role at Precision Castparts Corp.?

Interview +3

Do internships at Precision Castparts Corp require prior experience and knowledge or are interns provided training for the role they are given?

Precision Castparts Corp.
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