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  • Main tasking would be to supply support for the development and testing of the TOMAHAWK Weapon System and participate in the engineering of future naval strike weapon systems. 
  • Analysis efforts will have a strong emphasis on missile performance and missile modeling. 
  • Analyst will help develop medium and high fidelity (including Hardware-in-the-Loop) simulations for both current and future naval surface strike systems. 
  • Analyst will assist in the planning/execution of missile flight tests and naval fleet exercises. 
  • Analyst will support algorithm development for future versions of Tactical Tomahawk Weapon Control System. 

The technical skills and experience developed in performing this work are: missile modeling and simulation, guidance, navigation and control theory, Optimization techniques, and missile trajectory analysis.

Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD), Dahlgren, Virginia is one of the ten Divisions of the Naval Surface Warfare Center. It is the Navy’s principal research, development, and test & evaluation laboratory for surface ship combat systems. It performs warfare analysis, research, design, development, systems integration, strategic missile systems support, special and amphibious warfare and fleet engineering services. As one of the lead laboratories for the Navy, its civilian scientists and engineers take on demanding research and development programs